Gramatyka. Przedimki lub ich brak w zdaniach.

Tagi: food


Wybierz poprawny przedimek w zdaniu lub zaznacz jego brak.

Mary has got (A / AN / -)   dark, red hair.

Peter has got (A / AN / SOME)   friends in Germany.

There is (A / AN / -)   book on the desk.

I don't have (A / AN / -)   umbrella with me.

Mike loves (A / AN / -)   oranges. That's why winter is his favorite season of the year.

Do you want (A / AN / SOME)   tea?

He is (A / AN / -)   educated man.

My phone doesn't have (A / AN / -)   good memory.

There are (A / AN / SOME)   children in the park.



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