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Tagi: film



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I am a banker and I have a serious job. I need to relax a little so I prefer comedies. I also like SF movies like Star Wars but a good comedy is the best. I like laughing very much. I can't stand love stories. You always know the ending after the first 15 minutes of watching. It's boring.



I love going to the cinema. I go twice or three times a week. I usually watch thriller and action movies. I love exciting films with car chases and gun shooting. I listen to a lot of English dialogues. I can't stand science-fiction films. They aren't real.



I love travelling and I don't have much time for watching movies in the cinema. Hell, I don't even watch much TV but when I go to the movies I usually choose a horror movie. I like feeling afraid. A scary movie is a good movie. I hate comedies. They are stupid.



Who works in a bank.

Who often goes to the cinema.

Who likes horror movies.

Who doesn't like science-fiction films.

Who goes to the cinema to learn English.

Who likes SF movies.

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