Past perfect lub Past simple

Tagi: Past perfect


Wstaw właściwy czas. Past simple lub Past perfect.

He   (start) a charity after he   (spend) 10 years in prison.

After he   (give) all his account details to an unknown person he  (lose) all his money.

My grandma   (answer) a phone from a stranger but she  (not believe) him.

The terrorists   (blow up) a train station after their leader   (be) sentenced to death.

Tom   (not realize) that he   (leave) his passport at home.

He   (not fasten) his seatbelt before the accident   (take) place.

Mark   (lose) his weight after he   (start) exercising.

My mother  (not notice) the thief who later   (steal) her bag.

The victim   (not can) recognize the man who   (assault) her with a knife.

He   (forget) that he   (leave) the door open.


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