Zdania podrzędnie złożone. Wybór odpowiedniego zdania w zależności od znaczenia.

Tagi: relative clauses


Wybierz zdanie a lub b, które jest zgodne znaczeniowo ze zdaniem wyjściowym. 

We didn't meet all the people from my family during first day of Christmas.


a. The people from my family who we met during the first day of Christmas were so happy to see us.

b. The people from my family, who we met during the first day of Christmas, were so happy to see us.

I have one aunt.

a. My aunt whose husband is a carpenter works for Biedronka.

b. My aunt, whose husband is a carpenter, works for Biedronka.

All the students took part in the competition.

a. The students, who took part in the competition, played well.

b. The students who took part in the competition played well.

Some of the teachers got food poisoning.

a. The teachers who got food poisoning went to the hospital.

b. The teachers, who got food poisoning, went to the hospital.

All her children died during the war.

a. Her children who died during the war were young.

b. Her children, who died during the war, were young.

I read books from my dad's library and my uncle's library. All of them from my dad's library were interesting.

a. The books, which I found in my dad's library, were interesting.

b. The books which I found I my dad's library were interesting.


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