Wybierz właściwy przedimek lub brak przedimka.
My friend is /a, an, the, (-)/
tallest boy in my class.
John was born in /a, an, the, (-)/
/a, an, the, (-)/
United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
We need some /a, an, the, (-)/
food here.
There is /a, an, the, (-)/
dog in your room.
The Earth orbits around /a, an, the, (-)/
We have a problem. /a, an, the, (-)/
problem is serious.
/a, an, the, (-)/
Education should be free.
Tell me /a, an, the, (-)/
Peter was /a, an, the, (-)/
first boy in the class.
I don't have /a, an, the, (-)/
We live on /a, an, the, (-)/
farm. The farm is not big.
Have you had /a, an, the, (-)/
dinner yet?
Would you like to be /a, an, the, (-)/
Some people think /a, an, the, (-)/
global warming doesn't exist.
I ate /a, an, the, (-)/
sandwich five minutes ago.
Give me /a, an, the, (-)/
keys. You know which ones.
Mike lives in /a, an, the, (-)/
/a, an, the, (-)/
Healthcare is important.
/a, an, the, (-)/
moon is behind tidal waves.