Non-defining relative clauses I

Tagi: zd


Wybierz właściwe słowo.

1. Mr Korcz,   is an English teacher, wears a beard.


2. Everybody is on the balcony,   we are going to enjoy dinner.


3. My best friend,   lives next door, often comes round to my house.


4. He has finished reading the Lord of the Ring,   was really boring.


5. I don't drink fizzy drinks,   contain a lot of sugar.


6. My mother,   can't stand travelling by plane, is flying to Australia next month.


7. My brother's laptop,   cost thousands of zlotych, has broken down the other day.


8. Mr Korcz,   students sometimes trigger fits of rage, is actually a nice guy.


9. McDonald's,   the food is excellent, has really good special offers.


10. My doctor,   is 35, advised me to go on a diet.


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