Non-defining relative clauses IV

Tagi: zd


Wybierz właściwe słowo.

My father in the office on the top floor, from   the views are breathtaking.


Salmon,   is quite large, is used while making sushi.


Just open the bottom drawer,   you will find the family albums on the left.


John's wife,   is a professional chef, doesn't cook at home.


My son works in the only restaurant in town,   you can try traditional Polish food.


His boss was disappointed only with Mark,   job was to bring in new customers.


My sister goes out with Steven,   car is a beauty.


My brother,   taste in movies is atrocious, has invited us to the cinema.


Mary smokes marijuana,   is legal in her country.


His sister,   new house was very expensive, doesn't want to live there.

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