Future tenses- teoria cz.2

Tagi: Future tenses


Do podanych poniżej zdań przyporządkuj odpowiednie opisy.

It is the 87th minute of the match and the score is 1:3. They are going to lose the game. -


I am going to visit Peter this weekend. -


I am seeing Peter on Saturday at five o'clock -


She believes she will become a company manager in the future -


My parents are going to go abroad on holiday this year. -


A: Oh my God! These bags are really heavy. B: I will help you, lady. Here! Let me carry them up for you. -


Ok! I will help you tomorrow. -


Mr Jones is coming in five minutes. -


We hope our school will make the best result in the upcoming exams. -


Look out! There is a big rock in your way! You are going to fall. -


Hey look at the sky. No clouds. It is going to be sunny today I think. -

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