a little, a few - poprawianie zdań

Tagi: a little, a few


Popraw niewłaściwie napisane zdania. Trzy są poprawne. Jeżeli zdanie jest poprawne, wpisz "OK" w polu odpowiedzi.



I don't like reading. I've got a few books at home.


My parents are going on holiday for few weeks.


I love going to the cinema. I saw a few movies last month.


It's so dark here. There is little light in the room.


You need just little luck, and you'll be OK.


My mother wasn't happy. There were a few people on the party.


I hate classical music. I have a few records of Mozart at home and that's it.


We can have a drink. I've got a little money.


You need to answer me few questions.


My father loves fishing but yesterday he caught only a few.



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